This comes from the Beta version of the program. It's now closed, because it's so unique I am getting a patent for it... But I have AMAZING news for you!

You can secure your spot NOW at the fraction of its full price, before the patent is out. You will be the FIRST to gain access once the doors are open again. Today you can gain LIFETIME access to the program and ALL of its upgrades (others pay a monthly membership). I am adding new resources, exercises and upgrades monthly, which you will receive for FREE.

"The Hack Your Horoscope program changed the game for me. 

In no time, I manifested the right person to fully heal and become a true force of nature. 


With Dawn's framework, I was able to re-gain my self-confidence and self-worth after a rather traumatic experience in my love life. Dawn helped me re-frame my limiting beliefs and damaging negative thoughts in no time. She has a unique way of helping you open up your heart  and simply draw in more loving people and circumstances into your life.  I met my now husband 'miraculously' on a trip I wasn't supposed to go to just a few months into Dawn's program. All the events fell into place so that I could see for myself that if something was meant for you, there's no way you could miss out on it. I approached the relationship with caution, but soon I realized that indeed my old pattern was gone! I had finally attracted the loving, genuine man I had been longing for so long. I feel so loved and so truly cherished now. If you hesitate about working with Dawn, don't! You owe it to yourself!"

Early HYH adopter

"If people want to learn more about healing your past trauma bonds and manifesting healthy love, Dawn is THE person to learn from! 

Before I found her through her astrology blog, I was starting to feel hopeless that I will stay single forever and I was starting to lose direction in all other areas of my life. Dawn's unique approach was the game-changer that helped me regain hope and reminded me that I can in fact be totally in control of what happens in my life. I was able to get really clear on what I want and focus on my BIG life priority, which was to stop attracting traumatic experiences and manifest a loving partner.

At first I just started feeling really good about myself and the synchronicities in my life became so obvious on a daily basis. Unexpectedly, I tripled my income and I was quite confused because this wasn't what I was manifesting. As time passed and I was doing Dawn's techniques I felt this huge load coming off my shoulders and my life. A few months later I met a wonderful man, who was nothing like my previous relationships. Almost miraculously, he perfectly matched the manifestations I had been meticulously writing on the specific times and dates that Dawn was teaching me. He was kind, trustworthy, good-hearted and ready to commit. Finally someone to build a deep, genuine connection with! He proposed 9 months into dating and we've recently purchased our dream home, raising our beautiful 1 year old daughter. There are no words to describe my gratitude, Dawn! You have completely transformed my life.

Early HYH adopter

"I was generally happy before working with Dawn, except for my love life. Because of her program, I was able to attract a man, who exceeds all my expectations. Just like Dawn promises, the program up-levels your life in a way you never thought possible. We both now have flourishing businesses, we live the ultimate freedom lifestyle and we are able to draw in opportunities and experiences that seemed out of reach in the past. And most importantly, I feel loved, taken care of and genuinely adored every single day of my life. Thank, you Dawn, for taking me into a new reality I never thought existed!"

Early HYH adopter

"Dawn put a spin on my negative mindsets and challenged me to re-write those beliefs and limitations. 


Her methods seem very simplistic, but the transformation I saw in my life is immense. Through re-discovering my self-love and self-worth, not only was I able to manifest a partner, who gives me all the love, adoration, and affection I lacked in all of my previous relationships. I unleashed my creative power to start a new project of my own and quit my 9/5 job within a few months of doing the program. I never thought that just a few months later I would be living my dream life, with the love of my life, enjoying every second as a woman, who knows her worth, but most importantly knows how to get the things she deserves in life."

Early HYH adopter

"Because of Dawn's program, I have a renewed sense of purpose, a noticing of magic and possibilities, a penchant for gratitude, and a warm, bubbly LOVE feeling I knew was in me but haven’t accessed lately!

I have manifested a sense of peace and acceptance for myself and people I love (+ strangers!) that I used to struggle to maintain. I loved the private Facebook group. The community was open and really created a collective charge. Each step in the course was a continuing and growing of the preceding ones. WELL DONE Dawn! Before Hack Your Horoscope I was feeling lost and depressed. Now I feel more positive and that I have tools for really living MY life."

Early HYH adopter
"Typically I am disappointed with manifestation programs because I don't hear anything new. Not the case with Dawn's program, it's truly comprehensive! I heard new avenues, new tactics, and new exercises. Plus, Dawn is an amazing Manifesting teacher and supporter. She creates a beautiful community! I am glad I joined and am already benefiting from this experience."
Early HYH adopter
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Secure your Hack Your Horoscope Seatat the highly discounted pre sale price ($329)$45

Just imagine what the next few months could hold...

Your heart healed, your sense of self-worth and self-confidence completely restored.

Waking up in the arms of a man who adores the core essence of your being

Feeling a deep sense of fulfillment and self-love

Feeling truly loved, appreciated, valued and adored

Your dreams coming true one by one and your biggest 'problem' is you can't believe this is happening!

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  • 1xHYH Seat Reservation$45

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